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Enrico won the contract over the competition because of the energetic personality, the competence in his field and the interesting ideas. My company enjoyed and appreciated the support that him and his team provided. I am sure that Enrico could be a great business partner for anybody.
Enrico is a very skilled worker with consolidate experience. He has a very good approach with customers and partners translating in productive relationships. He is able to well plan his actions to reach the objectives. Enrico is trusted partner, is always kind and available to address business needs. It is really a pleasure to work with him.
Ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere Enrico 5 anni fa e devo dire che grazie alla Sua professionalità ed i prodotti sviluppati dalla Sua azienda ho potuto cambiare il modo di fare web e marketing con Imagina!! Bravo Enrico!
Enrico and his team have helped me in time to solve problems, organize my business and find the best solutions for all customers. Project management and project management are his job. contact him for any help if you have a communications agency or a company .. great creator of businesses and marketing consultant
I worked with Enrico on several successful projects and he has always demonstrated to be a reliable business partner as well as a brilliant and always helpful guy.
Enrico is very enthusiastic in explaining to students his business, outlining the key factors that permitted to grow his BtB network. He likes very much to “provide value” to his audience, even if it is made of students.
Ho lavorato con Enrico su diversi progetti e ha sempre dimostrato professionalità e competenza. Estremamente disponibile, entuasiasta e preciso nel seguire e concludere gli incarichi. Ottimo team manager.
I had the chance to work with Enrico as a client and as a partner as well. He’s really business oriented, with a deep focus on delivering results. He strikes you with his many ideas about new products and new business opportunities and he has a very professional approach to sales and marketing. No matter why you cross his path, working with Enrico can be an interesting step for your career.
Enrico oltre ad essere un ottimo imprenditore possiede capacità organizzative straordinarie. La sua azienda è ben organizzata, efficace, veloce, puntuale con soluzioni davvero competitive. Enrico nel corso degli anni si è dimostrato un partner serio ed affidabile, conquistando la fiducia di tutta la mia azienda, abbiamo portato a termini progetti commerciali importanti e molti altri ne faremo.
Enrico del Sordo è un grande Imprenditore. Lavorare con Lui ed il Suo Team è un vero piacere. Sono più di 12 anni che Collaboriamo e cresciamo insieme.
Grande Enrico !